
Each Kaloo product is the culmination of a long history and the collaboration of various departments brought to fruition. The concept originates from within our creative designer’s team. A theme is elaborated on and a story defined. These words are then translated into a drawing; impression transcribed into shapes, patterns and materials. Special attention is paid to the material, ensuring quality of touch and color harmony – our brand signatures. A rough draft is then passed to the workroom. The initial form is then modified and reflected upon until a final model is perfected. Once arranged in their round gift boxes, a Kaloo soft toy just has to wait for a baby’s arms.

Medium(35cm) £25.99

Medium (35cm) £25.99

Medium (35cm) £25.99

Medium (35cm) £25.99 Small (25cm) £19.99










Medium (25cm) £22.50 Large (32cm) £32.50

Medium (25cm) £22.50 Large (32cm) £32.50

Medium (25cm) £22.50 Large (32cm) £32.50 X Large (40cm) £39.99

Meduim (25cm) £22.50

Medium (25cm) £22.50

Medium (25cm) £22.50 Large (32cm) £32.50

Medium (25cm) £22.50

Medium (25cm) £22.50

Medium (25cm) £22.50

Small (20cm) £24.99

Small (20cm) £24.99

Small (20cm) £24.99

Small (20cm) £24.99

Small (20cm) £24.99


Large £32.50

Large £32.50 Medium £23.99

